Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Marathon Training Progress

All in All my marathon training has mostly gone well over the past few months with most of my long runs going without a hitch. In the past month however there have been a few weeks which have left me feeling severely drained or actually ill. One week I felt so bad and so terrible I just had to rest for most of the week. Even then I did do some training but not much.

One of my biggest problems has been down to my IBS, my Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which has been causing me problems the further the distance I ran and even being painful on at least 2 occasions resulting in me having to bring those training runs to an end.

In order to reach my training distances of 21/22 miles for Day 1 of the Maravan and 20 miles for Day 2 I decided to add on an extra week of training to give myself extra time to reach those goals. That will happen within the next 7 days. There is an 18 miler planned for tomorrow, with 2 small runs either side. Resting this Saturday. I will then go to those distances required and run 21 miles on the Sunday with at least 20 on the Monday. By which time I will need to rest as I will probably be exhausted by then.

However it goes this weekend it has to be my last BIG training weekend with such high mileage in training as I will need to give myself some time to recover before the event day itself. No matter how long it takes me to get those miles done, they need to get done. I reassessed my training strategy after last Sundays training run after I had a severe IBS attack in which I clearly didnt take enough water. These last few BIG training runs will be done in laps, as they will be on the day, using my flat as a water station. On the day there will be a water station each lap. So I will also be getting used to training close to how things will done at the Maravan event itself. Staying hydrated will help get me round the course.

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